IT Consulting

Cloud IT Services

The Cloud Computing is ubiquitous in current times. It is the way in which all IT resources are accessible over the Internet on demand.  As more and more cloud enabled Services are developed, businesses/enterprises can avail Hardware, Platform, Software, Database, Infrastructure, Network, and useful Business Services - almost everything on demand with various paying options. This style of computing caters to various customers’ needs - be it Individuals, Institutes, Startups, Mid-sized Companies or Corporates.


Cloud Strategy and Advisory


The Businesses can quickly validate their ideas and fail fast in Dev-Test environment or pivot their first cloud native application or migrate/modernize their existing applications to Cloud in phased manner or hybridize their on-prem IT and cloud IT.

Wherever you are in the Journey to cloud, there are various IT resources available on demand which are either to be configured or customized or developed for your needs.

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Enterprise Architecture and Design (Applications, Services, Data)


IT Customers planning to develop new enterprise application or enhance enterprise portfolio of applications require Applications & Services Development, Middleware, Data & Database and Analytics Services. Nature and number of Services vary based on IT landscape of customers.


Application Migration and Modernization (Re-host, Re-factor, Re-design)


IT Customers having existing on-prem IT or hybrid cloud IT, and they plan to migrate or modernize few of their applications on Cloud requires Modernization Services.  This approach happens to be complex at times, long drawn and to be implemented in phased manner.


Cloud Application Development & Integration

An Application development on Cloud is all about integration of cloud enabled Services where an application is built using various Platform, Middleware and Data Services. Such applications are called "Cloud Native" applications. Sometimes these applications rely on data Services from on-prem IT or other Cloud IT and use Hybrid Cloud connectivity and integration.


Agile Method and DevOps Implementation

Continuous requirement management, software development, integration of  developed modules and delivery of entire application as one packaged software is requirement of every software development customer, and they require Agile Method and DevOps Implementation.


Cloud Infrastructure Design and Automation

The Businesses looking for on-demand provisioning of cloud hardware, set up dynamic Sandbox environment, to create their own Virtual Private Cloud or templatize installations and configuration of software on given hardware infrastructure they require Cloud Infrastructure Services.


Virtual Private Cloud Design and Implementation

Even Startups and Mid-sized IT customers can realize the potential and value of Virtual Private Cloud.  Out of various Infrastructure Services, the VPC is ideal for the business as it isolates and creates private cloud fort in public cloud.


Application Containerization and Orchestration

The Containers are the highest level of abstracted components; they are self-sufficient bundles of software pieces can be ported (transported) from one IT environment to another or one cloud to another. Various harmonized containers are orchestrated to meet larger needs of a business's IT landscape.

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Technologies That We Use

Front End

Back End


AWS Cloud



Architecture in use

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